Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Glider Diner

A Scranton institution and the best diner in town. I hadn't been here since 1987 or so, and this visit triggered a ton of fond memories. Like eating fries with gravy after a football game across the street at Memorial Stadium. This place hasn't changed much, if at all. It's a REAL diner, not a wannabe. I love everything about the decor: the red vinyl booth seats with white piping, the chrome and red vinyl stools at the counter, and the adorable coffee cup clock (my camera broke, so I couldn't take pics). It's been here since 1945, and the fact that they can still fill the place to capacity for breakfast on any given day is testimony to it's charm.
It's clean, the waitresses are nice, (we sat at the counter and got to hear them bitch and gossip) and the food is good. And it seems like the prices haven't changed since 1987 either, at least not on the breakfast menu. Danelle had the egg sandwich on a hard roll, and I had eggs, toast and home fries. Then we took one of their famous giant cinnamon rolls to go. These are actually made on the premises, and are absolutely delicious.
If you're from Scranton, you've been here hundreds of times. If you're not, you need to go. Now.

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